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Aural Blindness

Your body speaks the words your mind dares not express and heart refuses to acknowledge, for there is no surefire way to cease the inevitable flow of energy derived from pure emotions. Those who look carefully can visually witness such energy by interacting with other individuals, the array of colors that vary with each mood and scenario. The pleasantness of such colors are marked not only by the exuder, but also by the interpreter; in other words, a form of aural daltonism.

This put in layman’s terms, what you think others intend by their reactions alone is more often than not very dissimilar from your interpretation, and here’s where the plot thickens: in order to successfully carry out social and productive interaction this is a pre-requisite.

There’s an upside to being overly analytical: self-awareness. However, the result of this obviously biased auto diagnosis often leads to the same conclusion, or as Einstein puts it: “…doing things over and over and expecting different results”. But merely acknowledging an issue is only a part of it. The interesting part is witnessing others’ reactions to such stimuli and, consequently, your own reactions to theirs.

The fact of the matter is, the unpredictability of our actions is what makes us exceptional beings. Other species show behavioral patterns, survival measures, each being serving a purpose, to self and to the whole. But what makes us different is ultimately our salvation and demise: free will.

If human nature dictates an individual would never self destruct or harm itself, or its ego for that matter, then admitting your flaws are not only a sign of strength other than weakness, but one step closer to enlightenment. And here’s where pride comes in, creeping its narcissistic head over the inflated cloud of ego.

No one really knows what to do more than half of the time, but decisions need to be made, leaders need to step up, responsibility needs to be assumed… As long as your judgment is not impaired by blind pride. To balance it out, a healthy dose of humility needs to be applied and thus, the yang to its ying.

Personal growth derives from our ability to assimilate other’s experiences as positive stimulation, to look at things not only for what they are, but for what they could be. If you manage to not trip over the same rock as your predecessor, you will have succeeded. To accept one’s success as a reflection of one’s ego is relative to the person’s intentions with such awareness.

“If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” 
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist


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