A distant gaze into the unknown; A thousand bursts of everything and nothing at once.
The clicking noise of gathering your thoughts; Yearning for things that you knew would always fade, eventually. The balance between acknowledging the faded glint of hope, and accepting you're not as strong as you thought you were, or maybe...
Maybe this was always supposed to happen, in this way, this sequence.
Maybe there is a blueprint or sketch, a layout of how things are meant to unravel.
Maybe that would help make sense of it all, but alas...
To take comfort in uncertainty. To accept your humanity.
Hard surface dented and scratched with countless stories and faceless memories.
What's the point of prideful scars when you can't accept your shoulders giving in to the insurmountable weight?
A grin: Echos of joyful remembrance, of simpler times not so long ago.
Refusal to become the incarnation of banality, isolated in a crowded matrix.
The irony of assimilating your unexceptional uniqueness.
And still, the grin evolves.
The simultaneous gasp and sigh, longing to not be afraid anymore.
Afraid that the moment will come when the constant beating will render you numb.
Numbness prevents and eradicates survival; We need to survive.
You don't need reassurance, yet a warm embrace would mitigate the pain.
You don't need anything, you tell yourself... but I need you.
For once I don't want to steer alone; Lets instead paddle down this stream, together.
Touches of bitterness tarnish isolation, for it no longer appeals to the experienced social palate.
Grasp on to familiar ropes, and lean forward.
For a new chapter is about to begin, one without restraint.
Driven by what was once a mild notion, the gift of days to come arises.
Surrender your fears and take comfort in pain; Live.